The Beginning of the End Times
My Medium account files are now permanently “disappeared”. Four + years of work lost forever. So much for the old adage that items ‘live forever’ on the internet. They do…, ‘till they don’t. I’m guessing cat videos do live forever. I do have a few good items saved on Pocket. We’ll see at a later date. I may republish if I get the motivation to do so and forego a few movies on that particular day.
What I have noticed though are that certain items, like in the supermarket, are now subject to the whims of suppliers and the ability to truck them in so as to stack on the shelves. Potato chips are hard to come by here in Albuquerque. A year and a half ago it was paper products and cat food. And supplies of all sorts will now be ever harder to come by as Earth deteriorates from ecological collapse and the inability for soil to be re-energized to continue to grow crops. Fertilizer just isn’t as effective as it was 50 years ago. Maybe a potato famine is in the works. Or McDonald’s has its own supply chain for potatoes.
Another item that seems to be being “lost” is the ability for info sources, like corporate(MSM) media to get the facts straight. I wrote about the lies last Thursday, April 7th. \/
Unfortunately the ‘noise’ still gets through because I’m addicted to TV. Sure, Tubi has tons of uncensored films I thought were lost to the sands of time along with a wealth of uncensored modern European erotica, but the morning news, usually from The Today Show, still gets through. I wake up with The Today Show playing out its odd brand of news programming because I sleep with the TV on.(An old habit from the Cold War days.) If they’d just get the sources from all the bombs and missiles that are killing Ukrainian civilians correct. Hopefully Russia will be completing the mopping up phase before more civilians are killed. After all quite a few civilians are being killed by the neo-Nazis embedded in amongst normal citizenry. A whole lot really and the MSM uses those photos and videos to licit appropriate, horrified, responses and hysteria from the propagandized masses they cotton to.
There seems to be more war propaganda and its detritus on TV from Ukraine than when the US was actively bombing the shit out of Iraq and Afghanistan. All premonitions of the end times to come. I have tried very hard to disengage from the noise that threatens my mental health. Because I can’t do a damn thing about it. And screaming fits at the TV just don’t have the same psychic release that they used to. Hence the extra movie or two throughout the day.
Fascinatingly what I noticed today were the writers that I read regularly are having a harder and harder time to publish their actual factual information. They are being cancelled faster than a fastidious gardener pulls weeds from their prized gardens. I’ve seen countless saved YouTube videos in my archives “disappeared’, just like my Medium files. The Tor net is seemingly the last refuge for the die-hard truth tellers. And being a technical illiterate I won’t even try the Tor route. I struggle with this one. I still get inadvertent items in my mail and charges on my bank account that takes my time to be rid of. I had a small subscription to Allure Magazine???!!! I had no idea how much women spend to ‘allure’ men. What I surmise out of all of this is that insanity is circling in ever tighter spirals to get us all ready for the coming collapse of industrial civilization.
The 2020’s
This decade of the 21st century started out with a ‘manufactured’ pandemic to ready us for continuing decline of western capitalism. The ruling classes are floundering with the power and control phase of complete domination of our lives. Freedom flew away in the 1970’s. We had a brief phase in the 1960’s where change was in the wind to a better way to go about our affairs. Assassinations were the order of the time, in fashion, so to speak. Malcolm X, MLK Jr, JFK, RFK, other dissidents that were gunned down in cold blood. Those actions against those brave souls that envisioned a better way to live were cancelled, with ‘extreme prejudice’, as they say.
So instead of outright murder they simply quash the writers with endless legal actions, to bankrupt them, or censor them outright if they don’t have too big a following. Some are indeed killed but they are usually the ones that irritated a certain powerful smallish sort of group or individual dynasty. Smear tactics and hit pieces are de riguer these days. ‘Fake news’ for the uninitiated. Which, counterintuitively, is usually true.
Final Chances
Wrong Image Above^~ Miami-Below\/
One final note today. I do watch a lot of TV shows along with my voracious movie appetite. I do have about 18-19 hours a day to fill because I don’t sleep very much. May I suggest watching ‘Burn Notice’, or ‘CSI: Miami’, both on Hulu at this time. Notice especially how close those shiny towers of human vanity are to the Atlantic Ocean. Just seeing all the young women in string bikinis are enough to get this old fool to watch, and Gabrielle Anwar, from Burn Notice, is so very hot. By this century’s end, they, the resort buildings like Trump’s Mar-a-Lago et al., will be flooded, along with most coastal cities worldwide. And old fools such as myself will be gone for good as well.
Maybe immersing myself in movies is the way forward for my not falling perminently into the deep, dark, rabbit hole of depression and despair. Writing about the ills of the world helps too. Be thoughful in your daily doings. We can’t stop all the stupid wars the ruling classes subject us to. But we can control our inner demons and try hard to get some factual info out there on the ‘net. I do my small part. Stay safe all.
Peace, The Ol’ Hippy
All images Pixabay