The Southwestern portion of the USA is now experiencing a drought spanning approximately two decades. Lake Mead in Nevada is drying up. So is Lake Powell in Arizona. There are too many people now relying on the mighty Colorado river. Same goes for the Rio Grande which, by the way(BTW), runs through my hometown of Albuquerque NM. Reservoirs are rapidly losing water which is not being replaced by annual snowfalls. The ski area in the nearby Sandia Mountains immediately east of Albuquerque didn’t even open for the last ski season; not enough water to make artificial snow and very little snowfall. This will keep worsening in the foreseeable future. It’s irreversible.
The same could be said for any marginally dry region on Earth. Droughts reign supreme these days. The aquifers are being pumped empty for growing crops. Parts of California have actually sunk by as much as twenty feet. What exactly happens when there’s no water to grow crops? There will be famines of course. And there won’t be any way to resolve the lack of food for humankind. Mass starvation will be the norm. I wish to be gone from Earth before that happens.
Earth Day 2022
The 52nd Earth Day is Friday this week. I was there for the first one back in ‘70. I was 16 and in the 10th grade. Dire reports were given back then and absolutely nothing was, nor has been done to address this pathological situation, nothing of any consequence. The population has more than doubled since then. I am childless by a choice made back in ‘73 as I saw that Earth was severely overpopulated and increasing exponentially. I was 19. I’ve met other men in my age range that choose to remain childless. Nothing ‘wrong’ with that. The world population is 7.94 billion people. \/
Earth is suffering the fate of human industrial civilization. Instead of ideologies threatening Europe with yet another damn war, world leadership should instead focus on reducing population with free birth control measures. Abortion on demand, free BC pills, free vasectomies, free tubal ligations, free IUD’s, free rubbers, etc. Then an educational model the get the world’s population to decide that making babies is NOT in their best interest.
The the world’s religious leaders have to get off their high horse and stop encouraging their flocks to have babies. Change the texts, like they have many times in the past. Change the whole paradigm. Education is a key ingredient to get started. Which really needed to be implemented back in 1970 when there was maybe a chance to save humanity. I actually fear it’s too late. Maybe I’m wrong. I won’t live to see either way.
I’m an atheist so it’s up to the churchy crowd to get with the program. No one needs more than one child per two, and preferably, three, or even four individuals. If this was started in 1970 we’d have time to get other ways to grow crops and keep civilization going. No the industrial capitalists, the greedy fucks wanted it all and Earth is fucked now. Yep, my cynical pessimism is in high gear today.
Disneylandville & War
The Happiest Place on Earth(not)
The MSM news is so full of western propaganda about that Ol’ Rascal Putin and how evil he is that they fail to mention how dreadful our overall situation is. There is a solution proposed by Putin that could end hostilities in Ukraine tomorrow but the US, EU, Zionist coalition, Empire(from now on), wants none of it. They are sacrificing Ukrainian citizenry to impose their hegemony to the eastern edge of Europe’s other states west of Russia. Needless to say it’s an ecological nightmare. All wars are. The wars of the 20th century destroyed over a 100 million people and untold creatures caught in the crossfire as collateral damage. All for what exactly? Industrial civilization’s pathology.
I find it fascinating that the imbecilic pundits on MSM are all too fast to want war. Then they should go fight their wars. Same with world leaders, ya know, like kings and generals did in the past. We peaceful, sensitive folks will stay home and watch films, live our lives, cherish our loved ones, and be at one with Earth and her wondrous children. An Earth Day without war is a great idea whose time has surely come. Disneyland is now pathological. It’s being run by psychopaths. Mickey is screaming for this nightmare to end. So am I.
So I got a little sidetracked about drought. War can do that, ya know. It always brings me down and today I couldn’t watch a thing about Ukraine. It needs to end and Putin has given the terms. Zal(insky) spits in his face and pleads with Empire to save his sorry Nazis, and his sorry ass. It’s the ideologies that have to end. Hubris in its pathological madness. Phase 2 from Russia has begun today. May it be short and sweet.
More tomorrow on Earth Day disasters. The forests are in sad shape and so are the coral reefs, the forests of the oceans. When destroyed by industrial civilization which is run capitalistically, BTW, it will all end, most likely as T.S. Eliot said in The Hollow Men poem, “with a whimper”. Men fighting each other with rocks and clubs. The world ending in a flash is not outside the realm of possibilities though.
Finally find your peaceful path forward. Today is all we really have at any given time, make the most of it. Be kind in your daily doings. Stay safe.
Peace, The Ol’ Hippy
Images: Desert~~Pixabay
Disneyland~~Cody Board~~Unsplash